Can i place my order over the telephone?
If you would like to make payment over the telephone paying via card or cheque/bacs please feel free to call unique magazines on (0345) 303 6750 and one of the team will be able to assist you.
What if i need an invoice?
At unique magazines, we understand that many schools need invoices for their records and are happy to issue one on request
How long will it take for subscriptions to be set up?
The guidelines across the board take on average 4-6 weeks to set up a magazine subscription. Please note, different magazines come from different publishers therfore timing on magazines may vary
What is the address we need to send our correspondence to?
Please send all correspondence to
Unique Magazines Limited
Sands Industrial Estate,
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE16 3DJ
Who do we make the cheque payable to?
Please make all cheques payable to Unique Magazines
If you require a certain destination e.g. FAO the library then please state this on your invoice or order and we will be happy to do this for you.